







確切地說,沒有多智欽仁波且就沒有寧瑪巴龍欽寧體大圓滿的最高密法。因多智欽仁波且為大圓滿龍欽寧體獨掌持有人根本總法主,故又被稱為多智欽大法王。 所謂『龍欽』即是廣大無盡的法界之義,而『寧體』意為心髓,故龍欽寧體屬於大圓滿法中極密無上部心髓法門,是虹身化境最高之法。全世界寧瑪巴包括噶陀、佐 欽等六大寺系的所有龍欽寧體傳承,全都是由多智欽大法王為他們灌頂傳的法。

多智欽在藏文中意為來自多科山谷的大成就者,因第一世的多智欽仁波且生於西藏東部果洛地區的上多科山谷,故而得名。當第一世多智欽仁波且拜見吉美林巴大師時,吉美林巴即賜予他《佛語》和《伏藏》的完整傳承,並授權他為龍欽寧體的唯一根本法主。當吉美林巴轉世的多欽哲見到多智欽時,他看見多智欽就是蓮花生大師。第一、二、三、四世多智欽仁波且不僅示現了許多不可思議的神通智慧, 更不斷地將龍欽寧體法門傳授給一切具足因緣之聖者們,培育了許多著名的大成就者。

第四世多智欽土登成利華桑波仁波且於1927年降生在果洛地區色達山谷的茨村莊。在仁波且住胎的那一年,幾乎每一天,村莊上空都出現彩虹,人們幾乎每個晚上都能看見羅羅護法神在他的屋頂上,而且未經栽種,他的屋頂上盛開了一朵當地從來沒有過的鮮花,而這正是第三世多智欽在隱居時最喜歡種的那一種。仁波且的母親在懷孕期間,腹中的小孩隨時不見了,其身邊也總有神秘的光明陪伴,使她 無須照明也能夠在黑暗中尋找物品。



在多智欽寺的坐床典禮圓滿時,四歲大的仁波且從法座上站起來,邊笑邊念誦 《金剛七句祈請文》和《請起蓮花生》中的一些偈子,令在場的所有人驚嘆不已。仁波且五歲開始即直接開啟自己的無始藏智,並將這些教法口述出來。更難得的是,2007年,國際佛教僧尼總會對仁波且們作出的十個不同認證身份舉行了史無前例的金瓶掣籤,從120支密封籤中抽出一支,確認多智欽法王是蓮花生大師的化身,而此身份正是三世多杰羌佛在掣籤之前作出的認證。然後當仁波且長大以後,除了在個別情況下,他很少再顯現神通成就。雖然仁波且不需要淨化自心或累積福報等諸如此類的修持,但是為了給眾生樹立真正修行的榜樣,仁波且向許多人身的導師求法,並完成許多年的閉關。仁波且十五歲時即 精通曼達壇城的繪畫以及書法、製陶、建築和其它許多技術以及種字擇緣無上法等大法。1957年,由空行母對西藏面臨的局面所作的預言,仁波且來到錫金。起初他 並沒有公開自己的身份,這時國王的上師——錫金的一位大成就者告訴國王,真正的蓮花生已經來到了錫金國,讓他務必要拜多智欽仁波且為上師。後來,在錫金國王的再三祈請下,仁波且擔任了錫金國的國師。仁波且還認證了第七世佐欽法王,並主持了其坐床典禮。 仁波且待人處事一貫性地平和、謙虛、簡樸,毫無裝腔作勢,每一時刻、每一處所都以自己的慈悲行為作為引導眾生的典範。第四世多智欽仁波且的地位登立於若干大聖法王之上,他的弟子遍及各大傳承,多為一代宗師,名重世界,包括許多著名的傳承持有者,如:第七世佐欽法王、索甲仁波且、仁增尼瑪法王、如意寶晉 美彭措法王乃至托嘎如意寶法王、達日拉姆空行母(年龍佛母)、錫金國王、第五世 多智欽土登龍洋仁增嘉措法王等,仁波且是寧瑪掌首宗師、大法王。



It is accurate to say that without His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche there would be no Longchen Nying-thik Great Perfection, which is the highest esoteric dharma in this world. H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche was the sole holder and fundamental dharma possessor of the complete Great Perfection Longchen Nying-thik. “Longchen” means the boundlessly vast dharmadhatu, and “Nying-thik” means mind essence. Thus, Longchen Nying-thik is a mind essence dharma method that belongs to the extremely secret Supreme Division within the Great Perfection Dharma. It is the highest dharma for transforming into the rainbow body. All of the Longchen Nying-thik lineages of the Nyingma sect around the world, including those of their six main temples, originated from the dharma transmission of H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche.

In Tibetan, the term “Dodrupchen” means a greatly accomplished one from the Do Valley. The term derives from the first Dodrupchen Rinpoche, who was born in the upper Do Valley in the Gyalrong District of eastern Tibet. When the first Dodrupchen Rinpoche visited Master Jigme Lingpa, that master recognized Dodrupchen as being the incarnation of the sacred prince Murub Tsepo that was predicted in the “Guide to Longchen Nying-thik Predictions” and as being the sole possessor and successor to the Longchen Nying-thik teachings. Thus, Master Jigme Lingpabestowed upon Dodrupchen the complete “Direct Transmission from Buddha” and “Terma (Hidden Treasures)” lineages and authorized him to be the fundamental dharma possessor of Longchen Nying-thik.

The first, second, third, and fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoches not only manifested many incredible feats of supernatural power and wisdom, they also continually transmitted the Longchen Nying-thik dharma method to all holy beings who had the required karmic affinity. They thereby trained many famous people to become greatly accomplished in the dharma.

H.H. the fourth and current Dodrupchen, Thupten Trinle Palzang Rinpoche, was born in 1927 in the Tsi Village of the Ser Valley within the Gyalrong District. Almost every day during the time the rinpoche was in the womb, rainbows appeared in the sky above his village. Almost every night during that time, people could see the dharma protecting deity Rahula over the rinpoche’s roof. Moreover, a fresh flower never before seen in that area blossomed forth upon his roof without having been planted. That was the exact type of flower H.H. the third Dodrupchen Rinpoche liked to plant the most when he was living in seclusion. During the time the rinpoche’s mother was carrying the rinpoche, he would often disappear from her womb. During her pregnancy, a mysterious light always accompanied the rinpoche’s mother such that she was able to find things in the dark without having to use any form of illumination.

Holy events that were much more amazing occurred after the rinpoche was born. A mani stone once fell from a cliff and hit the rinpoche. As a result, many of his bones were broken to pieces. However, all traces of injury miraculously disappeared almost totally a few hours later. Sometimes the young rinpoche could be clearly seen standing on the ground but an instant later was on a roof or cliff. Before monks from the Dodrupchen Monastery came to his house in search of the child who was the incarnation of the Dodrupchen, the young rinpoche told his parents, who at the time did not know such monks were coming, “Today guests will come.” He then began to sing happily. The team of monks who came to investigate placed before the young rinpoche books, Buddhist rosaries, and other objects used by the last Dodrupchen Rinpoche as well as objects of others people, all of which had been mixed together. They had the young rinpoche select from among the displayed objects. The young rinpoche picked out the objects he used in his last life without making one mistake. He then said, “These are mine.” H.H. the fifth Dzogchen Dharma King personally recognized that this child was H.H. the fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche.

After the completion of his enthronement ceremony at the Dodrupchen Monastery, the four- year-old rinpoche stood up on his dharma throne and smiled as he chanted some verses from the “Vajra Seven Line Supplication” and the “Request to Padmasambhava.” This won the great admiration of all of the people in attendance. From the age of five, the rinpoche began to open directly his own treasury of wisdom accumulated since beginning-less time. Additionally, he gave oral accounts of these dharma teachings.

Moreover, in 2007 the International Buddhism Sangha Association held an unprecedented Drawing Lots From a Golden Vase Ceremony to affirm the true reincarnated identity of H.H. Dodrupchen Dharma King and others. There were ten possible identities recognized by various rinpoches. One lot was drawn from among 120 lots to affirm the true reincarnated identity of H.H. Dodrupchen Dharma King. That drawing affirmed that H.H. Dodrupchen Dharma King is the nirmanakaya of Guru Padmasambhava, which is the reincarnated identity that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III recognized before that lot was drawn.

After His Holiness grew up, he very seldom manifested supernatural powers except in certain particular circumstances. Although he did not need to cleanse his mind, accumulate good fortune, or engage in any other cultivation of this type, in order to establish a model of true cultivation for living beings, His Holiness sought dharma from many human masters and completed many years of solitary retreat. At the age of fifteen, His Holiness was proficient in painting mandalas, calligraphy, ceramics, architecture, astrology, and many other skills.

Based upon the predictions of the Dakinis in 1957 concerning the circumstances Tibet would face, H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche arrived in Sikkim. At first His Holiness did not reveal His status. However, a greatly accomplished person in Sikkim who was the master of the king of Sikkim told the king that the true Padmasambhava had arrived in Sikkim and strongly urged the king to become a disciple of H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche. Later, after repeated entreaties by the king of Sikkim, His Holiness assumed the position of National Master of Sikkim. His Holiness also recognized the identity or status of H.E. the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King and conducted the enthronement ceremony for that dharma king.

H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche has always had a gentle disposition and has always been a humble, simple person totally devoid of all affectation. At every moment and wherever he is, his compassionate conduct serves as a model to guide living beings. The status of H.H. the fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche is higher than that of many other great and holy dharma kings. His disciples can be found in each of the major lineages. Numerous disciples of His Holiness are world-renown great masters of their generation, including many famous lineage-holders. Examples include H.E. the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King; Sogyal Rinpoche; H.H. Dharma King Renzeng Nima; H.H.Wish Fulfilling Jewel Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok; H.H. Wish Fulfilling Jewel Dharma King Tuoga; Dakini Dare Lamu (Nianlong Holy Mother); the king of Sikkim; the fifth Dodrupchen, H.E. Tudeng Longyang Renzeng Gyatso Dharma King; and others. H.H. the fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche is the greatest master and dharma king of the Nyingma sect.

After reading the book A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma in December of 2006, H.H. Dodrupchen Dharma King marveled at the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu and promptly wrote a congratulatory letter to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. a DODRUPCHEN RINPOCHE


視頻鏈結:http://Hommage a DODRUPCHEN RINPOCHE




第三世多杰羌佛 說法《極聖解脫大手印》

